It says 'the security certificate has expired or is not yet valid' and gives me options to continue yes/no or view certificate. I get a security warning pop-up saying there is a problem with the sites security certificate.
UPDATE : The situation is that I have already replaced my certificates all I have is the. Whenever I try to go on a site that requires secure log-in, eg. If they haven't is there a way to get them included? Is there a way to check if my old certificates have made it to CRL and OCSP. Avast One combines our award-winning free antivirus with advanced protection to help you safeguard your privacy, connect securely, speed up devices, and stay safe from cybercrime.

If my understanding is correct then the old certificates should have been revoked by the CA and should have made it to the CRL (Certificate revocation List) or the OCSP database (Online Certificate Status Protocol) otherwise it is technically possible for someone to perform a "man in the middle attack" by regenerating the certificates from information picked up from compromised certificates. Avast Download Free Antivirus & VPN 100 Free & Easy. After the SSL issuer told me to regenerate the certificate I have updated both my servers/domains with the new certificates. Import the Mail Shield certificate into Postbox.

Click OK in the Avast Information dialog. Select a location to save the exported Mail Shield certificate (for example, your Windows Desktop) and click Save. I have two certificates that were generated before the heartbleed vulnerability was discovered. Select SSL scanning from the left panel and ensure the box next to Scan SSL connections is ticked, then click Export certificate. The recent discovery of the heartbleed vulnerability has prompted certificate authorities to re-issue certificates.